Wednesday, May 30, 2012

it's okay.

It's okay that I know I should have gone to bed early last night but instead I watched DVR'd episodes of  Chelsea Lately.  Last night's was a gem, who doesn't love the Hoff being badgered by Chelsea?

It's okay that I get beyond stoked when I walk into zumba class on Tuesday nights and then a little sad when the hour is up and I have to wait another whole week to go back again.

It's okay that I had not one, but two dinners last night (thanks to my sister, Leslie, coming home and making shells and cheese at 9:00 pm....)

And it's okay that I topped off the evening with a little an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's Half Baked (remember that zumba I referred to above?  yeahhhh....).

Anyone else have a night like this?  Well, if so, IT'S OKAY!  I feel like everyone needs a night like this once in awhile.  Feel free to share your funk remedies, especially those that don't involve workout negating components.

Monday, May 28, 2012

memorial weekend 2012.

This past weekend was full of sun, BBQs, and family.  It also marked the end of the school year for the kids (except for poor, little Ava who has half days all this coming week).  Nick finished his exams and Samantha graduated 8th grade (woop woop!).  We celebrated all of their amazing accomplishments with a  BBQ (complete with school color-coordinated seating arrangements) and a trip to Ted Drewes for some amazing frozen custard.  Tonight we all headed over to my parents' house with my sisters, Julie and Leslie , Julie's bf Daniel and their puppy, Bubbie.  We ate, shared a few beverages (who hasn't had a Limerita yet?  Shame on you....), laughed, and then the girls and I attempted gymnastics out in the front yard.  One question:  where did my 16 year old flexible gymnast/dancer body go??  Ten years can make a WHOLE lotta difference....After Ava reminding me that 26 is not old and I should "man-up", I finally attempted a front walk-over, an acrobatic trick I thought to be one of the easy, "once you get it, you've got it for life" kinda things.  MAN WAS I WRONG.  Let's just say I'm laying on a heating pad as we speak.  Sad.  Here are some pictures from our weekend of fun, hope you all had as great a time as we did  : )  ENJOY!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Greetings!  Welcome to "Our Old, Familiar Place"!  We're Gina and Tony, a couple of Italian idiots in love who have a passion for life, travel, photography, fashion (well, one of us....workin' on the other one), music, friends, and especially our families.  We started this little blog to keep a journal, if you will, of all of our crazy adventures as well as our daily lives.  We hope you follow along with us and we promise to keep things as interesting as possible, as we rarely ever have a dull moment  : )  Hope you enjoy, more to come soon!