Thursday, August 2, 2012

it's okay.

Yes, friends, it's been "one of those days" already....

it's okay that i snoozed my alarm this morning a good six times before slithering out of bed when all i REALLY wanted to do was snooze my entire phone itself.

it's okay that upon getting out of bed i neglected to remove my sleep mask and flew into my dresser almost causing my mirror to come crashing down (don't worry, crisis averted).

it's okay that i've only worked out a total of about four or five times in the past month yet my intake of cheese and anything bread-related has been climbing the charts as of late.

it's okay that i've cried a decent amount of times these past few weeks due to stress and anxiety that I can't seem to shake no matter which amazing person in my life tries to cheer me up and tell me "it's okay".

finally, it's okay that it took a few delightful pins and sayings from pinterest to make me feel a little a LOT better today.  those, i would like to share, and hope that if anyone reading this is having "one of those days" that these will give you the kick start you need, as well:


I do love sequins.  and champagne.  via 







yes.  the answer to all problems.


honestly, even re-posting these had made me feel a little better.  hopefully they, or some of your own, will do the same for you when you need them  : )  we all just need to hang in there, surround ourselves with positive people, make sure we squeeze in at least a half an hour of "me" time a day and remember we are all loved. 

and don't forget about that champagne.....

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